Downstream Stories

Indonesia, Karawang


Karawang, West Java, Indonesia

The limestone factory in Karawang collects international imported waste, which is mostly used plastic, to use it as fuel for the incineration process. Local villagers seem to have become used to breathing the toxic air, despite its toxicity, when exposed to it over a long period of time.

The smoke from the combustion reduces visibility. The thick smoke forces vehicles to stop. The smoke irritates inhabitants’ eyes and skin. A shortness of breath comes as an after effect.

Downstream Community Stories

Waste, with a mix of single-use plastic, is being dumped to feed the limestone kiln.

The kiln needs to burn large amounts of waste in order to produce the limestone.

Pak Danu

A worker in the kilns

Pak Danu speaks to the colonial legacy of limestone.
Pak Ace

A worker in the kilns

For the moment Pak Ace sees the benefits of having a job at the kiln, and prefers to turn a blind eye on the potential health impacts on people and planet.

In the heap of waste for the fire, a cargo of tires have arrived to be burned.

Activists monitor the levels of air pollution near the kiln.
Bu Ida


Bu Ida says she has been exposed to the limestone kiln since she was a child, and is used to it.

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Shot on location with the help of Nexus 3. 

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