Downstream Stories

Uganda, Kiteezi Landfill, Kampala City


Kiteezi Landfill, Kampala City, Uganda

There is too much waste generated daily in Uganda. Most of the waste collected in Uganda’s capital city finds its way to the Kiteezi landfill site. 

Despite the low collection levels throught the city, an estimated 1,500 tons of waste is brought to the landfill every day.

Communities around the landfill live with contaminated air, scattered waste and leachate. Water resources for drinking and domestic purposes have become polluted. 

The Kiteezi landfill is home to 800 waste pickers that sort and recover material for reentry into the economy. Waste Pickers in Kampala City have proven to to be critical in sifting through the waste. Despite their societal, environmental and economic roles, waste pickers are exposed to unhealthy working conditions, low pay, social stigmas, exploitation from middle-men and corporate polluters, weak laws, and endure abuse from authorities.

Downstream Community Stories

Waste Pickers walk to work, surrounded by mountains of waste and swallows.
Vicent Mbahinzireki

Landfill management engineer of the Kampala Capital City Authority

Vicent Mbahinzireki describes the functioning of the Kiteezi landfill, and hwo the tonnage of waste is brought into the site, daily, and how they try to reduce the volume and the smell.

Vicent Mbahinzireki

Landfill management engineer of the Kampala Capital City Authority

Vicent Mbahinzireki goes on to explain the fragile economy of the 800 registered waste pickers on the site.
Sara Najuuko

Waste Picker at the Kiteezi landfill.

Sara Najuuko speaks about her role protecting workers from the pollution in the dumpsite. She tries to make sure that workers wear protective gear and boots, and that they wash their hands before eating and stay in a clean place to do so

Liquid waste, called leachate, flows downhill, from the dumpsite.

Alvin Kariuki shifts through the waste to pick up recyclable items.

Rebecca Myuga

Waste Picker at the Gioto dumpsite

Rebecca Myuga tells us what its like to be a waste picker at the Gioto dumpsite.

Vicent Mbahinzireki

Landfill management engineer of the Kampala Capital City Authority

Vicent Mbahinzireki explains how the landfill will have to move to another location in order to be able to keep up with the amount of waste being generated. We must reduce the use of plastic in order to reduce our overall waste.

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Shot on location with the help of End Plastic Pollution – Uganda. 

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