Kenya, Gioto Dumpsite, Nakuru County


Gioto Dumpsite in Nakuru County, Kenya

There is a the high volume of waste being dumped at the Gioto Dumpsite, coming mostly from the agricultural and flower farms.  There are rampant cases of open burning, which produce irritating smoke and negatively affect both the waste pickers in the dumpsite and the communities that live nearby. These unintentional fires are caused by an increase of methane that is accumulating in the dumpsite.

Downstream Community Stories

John Xavier

Waste Picker and Chairman of Waste Picker Association

John Xavier tells us about the dumpsite and the difficult conditions of the workers.
Esther Nyokabi

Local resident

Esther Nyokabi lives close to the dump site and shares the negative impact it has on her life.

An unintentional fire, caused by an increase of methane that has accumulated in the dumpsite.

Alvin Kariuki

Waste Picker at the Nakuru dumping site

Alvin Kariuki tells us about the different kinds of waste and the need for recycling.

Alvin Kariuki shifts through the waste to pick up recyclable items.

Rebecca Myuga

Waste Picker at the Gioto dumpsite

Rebecca Myuga tells us what its like to be a waste picker at the Gioto dumpsite.

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Shot on location with the help of CEJAD Kenya and the National Waste Pickers Association.

CEJAD Kenya is calling for a just transition for waste pickers and vulnerable communities impacted by waste. Learn more here: https://cejadkenya.org/dumpsite-fires/

Message from the film crew: “Smoke from open burning was a huge hindrance and health hazard during the filming. Furthermore, the filming happened during the rainy season and the community near the dumpsite lacks proper drainage. This posed a challenge in navigating through the area.”

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