Downstream Stories

Chile, Puerto Natales


Puerto Natales, Chile

Situated in Chilean Patagonia, Puerto Natales serves as the gateway to Torres del Paine National Park. The area welcomes 200,000 visitors annually.

Tourists visiting the park in Puerto Natales contribute to the waste management challenges in the area. As visitors explore the pristine natural beauty of the region, the waste they generate finds its way into the local landfill. This influx of waste can strain the landfill’s capacity and infrastructure. Given the fragile ecosystem of the area, sustainable tourism practices are essential to mitigate the negative impact on the environment and preserve the landscapes.

Downstream Community Stories

Heriberto Yaeger works in the park. There needs to be a separation of organic waste, plastic waste, glass.

Roberto Graneris works as a porter in the Torres Tel Paine National Park. He sees the impact tourists has on the environment.

Tourists traveling by boat in the region.

Carla Bahamondes works for the Legacy Fund. She speaks to the contamination that is produced by the tourism industry and the negative impact it has on the fragile ecosystem of the park.

The waterway by the Puerto Natales landfill.

Nicolás Velásquez works for the Department of the Environmental. He speaks of the fire that began in the landfill, with smoke apparent still today. Authorities are looking to close the landfill in the long term.

Burning trash at the Puerto Natales landfill.

Excavators work in the Puerto Natales landfill on a windy day.

The facility next to the Puerto Natales landfill.

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Shot on location with the help of Fondacion Lenga.

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